Sunday, September 25, 2011

Handy Tips for Using Lemons Around Your Household

Lemons are not only delicious and healthy for you, they also offer a wide variety of alternative uses too! Let's explore how you can use lemons around your household:

Air freshener - Mix equal parts of lemon and water to an atomizer for a green clean and eco-friendly air freshener that does not contribute to GHG's. 

All purpose cleaner - Use an equal amount of lemon juice and water in a spray bottle as a kitchen and bathroom cleaner. Spot test first. Also, if you use a vinegar based cleaner, add a few drops of lemon juice to neutralize the scent.

Ant deterrent - Lemons apparently work as an ant deterrent. Simply pour lemon juice in areas frequented by ants and watch them leave!

Brass/Chrome/Copper - Lemon juice and baking soda made into a paste mixture is great for polishing brass, chrome or copper. Rub the lemon juice and baking soda paste mixture onto the item, rinse away the paste and them use a soft cloth to buff it up.

Chopping/Cutting boards - Rubbing lemon juice over your wooden cutting boards will help to kill and bacteria that may be lingering and neutralize any odours that remain lingering. Leave overnight and rinse in the morning.

Coffee Pots - Use a few lemon wedges, a couple of ice cubes and a spoonful of sea salt and swish it around in a coffee pot to clean out coffee stains and neutralize odours.

Cuts, stings and itches - Use a small amount of lemon juice and dab onto minor wounds to help stop bleeding as well as disinfect the wound. Lemons will cause the cut to sting once applied. Also, lemon juice apparently relieves discomfort caused by poison ivy rashes and wasp stings.  

Degreaser - Use lemon juice on it's own if you need a degreaser. 

Dishes - Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to your dish washing detergent to help boost grease cutting power.

Drains - Hot lemon juice mixed with baking soda is an excellent drain cleaner that is safe for septic systems.

Fridge/Freezer - Store a half of a lemon in your fridge to will help control and eliminate unpleasant smells.

Furniture - Make your own furniture polish using 2 parts of olive oil mixed with 1 part lemon juice.

Garbage Disposal System - Throw in some lemon peels from time to time while it's working to keep the garbage disposal smelling fresh.

Glass and mirrors - Make an effective window cleaner, using 4 tablespoons of lemon juice mixed with half a gallon of water. Great smelling and it's streak free!

Hair - To lighten hair, dampen it with lemon juice and sit out in the sun for an hour. Rinse out the lemon juice. My nana used to do this when my sister and I were kids, it really worked!

Hands - Remove unwanted smells on your hands by rubbing a piece of lemon between your fingers or you could also dip in juice and rub hands together.

Laundry - A teaspoon of lemon juice added to your washing can help your clothes smell fresher. Use lemon juice as a bleaching agent, add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to your washing machine's rinse cycle and then hang clothes outside to dry. I would only recommend using the bleaching agent on white's unless you want to spot test your fabrics first.

Lime scale - Use a half cut lemon to clean the lime scale off sinks/faucets/toilets, etc and rinse well.

Microwave - Heat a bowl of water with lemon slices inside your microwave for 1 minute; then wipe out the oven. Stains will be easier to remove with the hot water and old food odors will be neutralized by the lemons.

Pots and Pans - Half a lemon sprinkled with salt on top can be used to scrub dirty pots and pans. the salt works as an abrasive to remove stuck on particles and the lemon removes and unwanted odours.

Toilet - Mix 1/2 cup of borax and 1 cup of lemon juice for a powerful, effective toilet cleaner that will leave it smelling extra clean and is septic safe too!

These are the applications that I've tried using lemon juice for, however, people are creative and come up with fantastic ideas for alternate uses. I would love to hear from our readers. What do you think? Have you tried any of these lemon remedies? Do you have any other uses for lemons?