Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Don't Throw That Away!! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Throw-away society. Each Canadian throws away approximately half a kilogram of packaging daily. In fact, half of our cities' solid waste by volume and one-third by weight is made up of paackaging.

What can you do about this?

Shop carefully and avoid buying products that are over packaged.
Buy in bulk where possible and use reusable containers when buying bulk. Avoid single serving items that are over-packaged.

Contact companies you purchase from and encourage less packaging or produce environmentally friendly packaging.
Talk to your friends, family, colleagues about reducing excess packaging.
Reuse packing materials for shipping parcels, wrapping gifts, moving, etc.

Bring your own bag when you shop.

Make it from scratch, such as pasta sauces, breads, etc. These are made from real ingredients that are NOT packaged, therefore there's no waste. Well maybe there's some organic waste but that's the helpful type of waste which can easily be recycled and reused into healthy rich soil.

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